Android SE
After downloading the Microsoft API I followed the "Compiling the EWS Java API.rtf" doc included in the download.
The first problem I had is that the directions for compiling the EWS Java API wanted a few older versions of the jars file dependencies
- Apache Commons Logging 1.1.1 - The most current is 1.2 (link to older versions)
So in line with the doc, I downloaded all needed jar files and placed them in the lib directory. Then started a new project in Eclipse and copied both folders to that project [ lib, src & the build.xml].
*set projects "Use an execution environment" value to J2SE-1.4
did this because the two main post above say that the project must be built on Java 1.4
It seemed apparent after this step that it still needed the other 2 libraries there for it to (though after these steps it still wont build, but at least it'll get rid of a few errors).
- Download source code of javax.* package available in below URL
- Download source code of stax API available in below URL,