HAPPENS TOMORROW 10/30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to give info out to ppl and figured this would be the best way
Tomorrow parallel.life is having their second pack drop. These packs hold cards/nfts. Some of them going for ALOT. You would need to have MetaMask setup along with about 4K usd / 1ETH to spend but it should be worth it. I know that’s alot of money but I just wanted to share. If u guys have questions and want to get in on it let me know before tomorrow
NFTs in general
NFTs are Non-fungible token - they are the future in terms of digital ownership. they represent digital ownership and scarcity (limited amount). but there are ALOT of nfts and many of them are worthless. going back to digital ownership, you might buy a song on itunes, but really your leasing it, if apple goes away so does ur song, unlike something like a tape or cd you physically own and could resell. but i digress. about 1.5 years ago when nfts where really new almost any of them you could get your hands on had ALOT of gains. now adays the market is flooded and its really hard to know which to buy and which not to. so the things you look for are implementations. and this parallel.life game is a good implementation. its a card game (digital) kinda like Magic The Gathering, but with nfts as the cards (you truly own your digital card). 1st edition packs of mtg cards now adays go for over 100k; some cards within those packs work alot more. and that's what this game is currently releasing, their first editions
Instructions and more info
Read this
create account here (you'll have to sign with metamask)
at the time of this event, you'll need the link (they release
it via twitter and/or discord) (ill be too busy prepping to share I think, but
ill try)
it is likely the cost to be right around 1ETH (4k usd
but im fairly confident that the cards gathered in the packs
will easily pay back any money spent
and the chance for profit very high, especially if ur very lucky and get a masterpiece which is life changing money (millions)
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